Planning A Wedding At The Guest House At Graceland

Published On: January 4th, 2018

The Guest House at Graceland in Memphis, Tennessee is one of the most beautiful and memorable places to hold special ceremonies, especially weddings. You can request a wedding proposal here or call the Guest House at Graceland directly at 1-800-238-2010 or 901-332-3322. You can request for a quote and book for a wedding through these numbers.

Wedding Ceremony Reception

The thing about weddings whether they are grand or not is they usually involve so many moving parts and elements that you need time to look at and decide upon each one. So with this in mind, we recommend that you plan your wedding at least a year in advance. If this is not doable then you can still accomplish plenty in six months or even three months.

If your wedding will be held at the Guest House in Graceland then a lot of the legwork and worrying involved will be handled by us for you. Here’s a checklist of things to do and think about when you are planning your wedding:

– Determine what kind of wedding you want, how many people will be invited and where it will be held. The venue is your topmost priority because it affects all the other elements of your wedding.

– Figure out your budget. How much can you spend on your wedding without breaking the bank? Wedding ceremonies should be flexible in this respect. You and your partner should also figure out the portioning of the contributions for the wedding. Traditions aside, both people can contribute to the creation of a beautiful wedding ceremony.

– Plan the parties ahead of time. There will be at least one party before the wedding. What kind of party will it be and who is going to be invited?

– Start finding and calling the professionals who will make your dream event come true. A wedding planner should be at the top of your list, followed by a wedding photographer, videography team, etc. Don’t forget about the flowers – a reliable florist in the city should be brought on board to take care of all the blooms on your wedding day.

– It is always a good idea to book a venue early – months ahead if possible. But before that, talk to your significant other about the date of the actual event. Pick at least two other dates so if something goes wrong with the booking of the event area, you have options. It is generally a bad idea to have just one fixed wedding date.

– If you feel that you need to trim down or tone up for your wedding, now would be a good time to take care of those details. Sign up for a gym membership and find a trainer who can help you establish a solid exercise routine for your weight goals. Some folks need to gain muscle or weight too; this can be taken care of easily by diet and exercise as well.

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